RWG Germany GmbH

Ball bearings and sphericals for the Aviation Industry

4 Dreiecke orange rechts

RWG Germany offers solutions for:



Teile für Flugzeuge


Teile für Hubschrauber


Teile für Motorsport


Teile für Weltraumforschung


Teile für Industrie

Dreiecke linksOben dunkelgrau

About us

BSFZ-Siegel 2024 | RWG steht für Innovationskompetenz​RWG is an international provider of sophisticated, high-precision technical products and services focused on aviation​.

We effectively apply innovation and expertise to create outstanding value for our customers, employees and shareholders.

RWG Germany GmbH has been a fully-owned subsidiary of KAMAN Corporation since 2002, operating under the business division “Kaman Specialty Bearings & Engineered Products”. KSB develops, tests, and manufactures high-performance bearings, drive components, and mission-critical parts in the aerospace industry.

2022 – Copyright by RWG Germany GmbH
Implementation MCS Marketing & Cyrus Tahbasian
All rights, changes, and errors reserved.