Signet in Orange bottomCareers

Bewerbungsablauf bei RWG Germany GmbH
4 Dreiecke orange rechts oben obenWorking at RWG means being part of a top-notch team

Our high-quality products are used worldwide in aerospace and motorsports. Customer orientation, innovative strength, and flexibility have enabled us to achieve above-average growth rates for years. We focus on our core values: excellence and efficiency in all operations, sustainable commitment to customer service and innovation throughout the organization. Our ultimate goal is to impress in the long term with high-quality products. It is the responsibility of each employee to know the customer requirements relevant to their area of work and to ensure the fulfillment of these expectations. This is the only way to achieve excellent customer satisfaction consistently in quality, delivery and price. To fulfill this day after day, we are in constant dialogue with our customers, getting to know their individual wishes and aligning our actions accordingly.


Dreiecke_dunkelgrau_rechts  Information according to Art. 13/14 GDPR



2022 – Copyright by RWG Germany GmbH
Implementation MCS Marketing & Cyrus Tahbasian
All rights, changes, and errors reserved.